
The first criteria for a science fiction move is a source of conflict, or a clash between good and evil. In theStar Wars triology, unarguably three of the best science fiction films ever made, there was the everpresent struggle between the Jedi,the defenders of all that was good, and the Empire, frequently reffered to as the Dark Side. Blade Runner does contain conflict between good and evil, however the good and evil are not as clearly defined. The viewer would assume that the "good" in Blade Runner is the character of Deckerd played by Harrison Ford.

Deckerd was a "Blade Runner"(otherwise known as a bounty hunter) called out of retirement to exterminate escape Replicants. Replicants were human-like androids designed by the Tyrell corporation. At one point in time they were used to perform tasks unfit for humans to do. In other words, they were slaves. They performed these tasks until they were deemed no longer neccessary. Four of them escaped from their enslavement to planet earth. It was Deckerd's job to retire them before they caused any harm. It is ironic that the fact that he kills three of the five replicants does not neccessarily distinguish him as "good." Instead it is the fact that he does not kill all of them that qualifies him. The fifth Replicant, Rachael, had always been unaware that she was a replicant, therefore she developed greatly into a human-like being with many positive qualities. Although it is his sworn duty to destroy them, Deckerd cannot find it in himself to retire her. He more or less saw her as the human she thought she was and he develops feelings of love towards her. This is somewhat awkward for both of them as can be seen from the uneasiness in their faces in this clip from the movie.

The Replicants had to be retired because they were extremely powerful and intelligent beings that were not afraid to cause harm when neccessary. They were developed by Tyrell, the main cause of evil in this film.

From the picture, one can see that Tyrell looked harmless, more like your average grandmother. He was not a large burly man who could kill with his hands. Instead, Tyrell killed through the power of his mind. Tyrell went too far with his experimentation by trying to create human exsistance through synthetic means. This is something that no one will ever be able to create properly and therefore should never attempt it. By creating these replicants, he doomed them to their miserable exsistance. This in turn spawned the venge that they felt for humans. It is poetic justice the Tyrell met death through the hands of one of his own creations.

The replicants create somewhat of a grey area in the battle between good and evil. Yes, they were often simple killing machines, who could easily take a life without remorse. However, a question arises whether they really came back to earth to seek revenge or merely to get away from their enslavement. Roy Batty speaks of the horrors of their enslavement in hissoliloquyat the end of the movie. One cannot blame them for yearning to escape the turmoil that they lived, human or not human. Perhaps they were not neccessarily "evil" but merely naive of the fact that they did not have to kill in order to survive and only doing what they thought was neccessary.



**Visual Effects**
