Special FX

The special fx in Blade Runner were spectacular. Many skilled professionals had to have spent a lot of time and effort to create some of these FX that only last a few seconds when we watch. Also, the creativity of people is astounding. Trying to came up with realistic, ultra-futuristic devices, and believalbe sets is no easy task. The depiction of the Earth as a dark, rainy miserable place to live was an interesting touch.

In the opening scene the relection of the explosions in an eye were really cool. It gave the impression of someone having a relfection or memory of a time when all of that turmoil was going on.

  • Opening scene clip (1MB)
  • Another particularly interesting effect is when Deckard uses his Esper to enhance the picture.

    Although the resolution of this picture is not that great, the concept behind the Esper is. Some day soon we will be able to do the same.
  • Super enhanced picture
  • Visit the Blade Runner FAQ page to see some more cool stuff.

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