
The issue of gun control has risen to a fevered pitch in this country. As of late, two related incidents have shown the overzealous attitude asserted by the American government regarding the issue of firearms control. Both the Ruby Ridge and Waco compound incidents are the most recent fuel additives for the fiery debate between those fighting for gun ownership rights and those who wish to have that right taken away.

Many of the arguments promoting gun control in this country are not well founded and need to be further examined by the public. The Media has taken a decidedly aggressive attitude towards the control of firearms. Both the media and the government are most influential in presenting what they deem as logical arguments for gun control. However, when those arguments are fully analyzed, it is more their emotional intent rather than their logical construct which ends up being the real impetus of their pro gun control platform.

This web site proposes to introduce a variety of reasons why the right to own a gun is valuable for today's American, and why it is essential that that right not be taken away. It is essential not to overlook the fact that the gun is an often used instrument in the field of hunting and sports, a tradition which has existed in this country, entertained by Native Americans, even before the early settlers inhabited the land. Moreover, due to the extreme nature of crime in most of America's larger cities today, it is crucial that every American citizen have the right to protect themselves from danger, a right allowed for by the Second and Fourth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. In addition, there is much to be said in favor of carrying concealed firearms. Unfortunately, responsible gun users, innocent of any crime, are often affected negatively by the misuse of guns by criminals and poorly-monitored children, further worthwhile discussions for this study.

Topics Addressed:

  • Guns For Fun
  • Self Defense
  • Concealed Weapons/Firearms Laws
  • Firearms in the Hands of Criminals
  • Gun Control and the Issue of Safety
  • Women and Gun Control

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