This is the syllabus for E306CA,#27195 , a computer assisted freshmen composition class held at UT Austin in the Fall of 1994.

Here's a picture of us in front of the symbolic center of our campus, the UT main building. The guy in front is Daniel Anderson , the Instructor; the rest of us have to make do with a separate page for information about the class members.
For more course information, you can go to the policy statement.

Some resources have been compiled by students and by Daniel. Some of the real-time online class discussions, or InterChanges, have been collected, including

an InterChange on censorship,
an InterChange on family values,
an Interchange of speech codes,
and an InterChange on The Accused.

So far we have built nodes for the following course units...Click an image above or a hot-word below: Unpacking and presenting written arguments .
Composing a multimedia film review .
We are also working on group research projects.
Finally, students have posted web versions of their research proposal papers.
Other student created work can be found at the weekly class summaries.

More general information can be found at the CWRL student resources page, including the CWRL tutorial for web composition.

If you want to start exploring web resources, you can go to the CWRL web research starting blocks.

If you have something to contribute to this project, or if you can help us by offering a review, or if you just have a comment or question, fill out the form below and submit it to us. Thanks.

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