Another problem faced by the Wildcat has been accusations of prejudice from the Greek system at Tucson because of alleged rapes. "There were four sexual assaults within two weeks: two at frat houses and two off-campus," Sarah Grcheit, editor of the Wildcat, said (interview 21 Nov.). ̉The Greek community says that the only reason we reported the ones at frat houses was because we hate them. They ignore the fact that frats are recognized university clubs on campus and covered by UA police. We've covered all four assaults, but the Greeks are still mad." Grcheit later said that another frat house not involved in the rapes has accused them of purposefully trying to cover up the reported rape and protect the alleged rapist. "They didn't stop to think that no one has been charged with the rape in any of the cases," she said. ̉The cases haven't gone to the county attorney, and we couldn't access to the police reports then even if we wanted to print the suspect's name. People don't understand how a newspaper works, and aren't interested in learning so they can make educated criticism instead of off-base ranting." This problem and the elimination of the journalism department could mean the death of the Wildcat.

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