Newspapers are used to inform the public of pertinent issues and important topics and have a very strong effect on the populace of America. We read it, we look at it, and we draw conclusions with it. We can be dramatically changed by the information given in these papers, whether we want to be changed or not. Another aspect of newspapers is controversy. Newspapers can innocently incite controversy with a story, photograph, or advertisement. These controversies can be mild ones or they can turn into huge uncontrollable problems that can lead to the downfall of the paper. A large paper is often the target and recipient of controversies but just because they are smaller does not mean college or high school papers cannot suffer the same problem. Some feel that these controversies can be avoided by placing a set of "guidelines" on the press, especially on high school and college papers, to tell them what they can or cannot print. However, does any person, group, or school have any right to censor the press ? Is there any place for censorship in the schools at all? Student journalist are learning the fundamentals of working in the press and do not need a set of guidelines to tell them what they can do.Doesn't the Constitution guarantee us Freedom of the Press.? Censorship has no place anywhere in the newspapers located in the high schools and universities in America.

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