by Jaime La Fuente, Dory Morphey, Sara Dever, and Kim Rucker

The topic that we are working on is the environment. Throughout the years the environment has been polluted in many different ways. Usually we think of pollution just in the air, but we will inform you of other different types of pollution. We will each be researching different issues related to the main topic that are debated and need to be solved for our children's future.

They are:

Acid Rain: Acid rain is a specific type of air pollution that is composed of acid compounds in the atmosphere (commonly sulfates and nitrates) that fall to the earth's surface through the rain cycle. Acid rain can be extremely dangerous. It is one of the most important environmental problems in the U.S. and all over the world.

Kimberly Rucker and Sara Dever are doing reports on acid rain. These reports deal with the problems that acid rain puts on society and its surroundings. It also deals with possible sollutions and what their outcomes might be.

Coastal Ecosystem: The "health" of the Nations coastal ecosystem is declining at a rapid rate; if action is not taken we could cause long term damage. Increasing populations and chemical deposits are causing harm to the coastal waters and marine life.

Dory Morphey is doing a report on the coastal ecosystem. This report tells about the pollution of the coastal waters through pesticides and various chemicals. This research details the effects and consequences the pollution has on waters.

Air Pollution: Air pollution, including ozone pollution is becoming one of the most damaging problems in the world today. Many methods and controls have been discovered in order to prevent these problems, but will the right people take interest in these discoverys? Our ozone is being sacrificed each time someone decides not to use the new methods and controls.

Jaime La Fuente is doing a report on air pollution. This report tells about the effects the air pollution can have on the environment. Not only does this report contain solutions, it lists some of the actions the government can take.

Each of these topics has an in depth research paper that is informative and offers a possible solution.

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