Hi there, My name as it says above is Jai Kumar Subrahmanyam (most of my friends call me Jay). I am a Junior in the department of Computer Science at University of Texas at Austin. The sports that I am most interested in are football and basketball. I am strong supporter of the Dallas Cowboys and Houston Rocket (I guess you might have figured that out). I was born in Delhi, India. But, I have spent a major part of my life in Singapore and Hongkong. I have been an active member in ACM (Automated Computing Machinery) and AMA (American Marketing Association) for the past year. My peripherial interests apart from playing basketball 3 times a week, is to listen to music, and go dancing, down at 6th Street. My favorite music group is U2 and most of the hard rock to pop music. I like the people down here in Austin, they are very friendly and you can have a lot of fun once you get to know the right people. The only drawback, I find to this school is that it is very big, and since I came from a High school of only about 500 students, I find this place at times overwhelming.

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