"By the end of the decade, eighty percent to ninety five percent of women said they suffered from job discrimination and unequal pay"(Faludi 16). Endorsing equal rights for women means standing behind the Equal Rights Amendment one hundred percent despite the views of those who feel women are totally free. It is these type of people who discriminate against women and are responsible for the statistic, "the average working woman's salary still lags as far behind the average man's as it did twenty years ago"(Faludi 16). In order for women to successfully compete with the man, she needs reassurance that her family is being taken care of. A measure needs to be taken to call for widely available maternity leave and child care for women who wish to work. "More than one hundred nations guarantee maternity leave for all working women, but the United Stated has no such policy"(Hewlett 134). The policy of comparable pay for comparable worth in the work place would become a big step in closing the income gap between men and women. A large majority of the people in society agree that women should have equal rights, but one survey found that "seventy percent thought that women should advance individually, according to their abilities, while only ten percent thought women should rely on the efforts of women's rights groups"(Bosmajian 210). Feminism has already brought change to the United States, providing opportunities for women to participate in economic and political systems that did not exist a century ago.