Western Culture Versus Feminism:

A Debate About Multicultural Education

For several years, feminists and Western canon promoters have debated the issue of multicultural education. Multicultural education is defined as education that respects diversity while encouraging all people to become participating members of a democracy. Multiculturalism emphasizes the contributions of various groups that make up our population (Covert 1995).

This web site takes an in-depth look at the argument between the promoters of the Western Canon and Feminists who promote a multicultural education. We will examine both sides of the argument, then argue counterpoints to these arguments. At the completion of the site, we will recommend a possible solution to this intense argument that has lead to cultural wars on university campuses nationwide.

The Western Culture believes that the culture is rich due to the wonderful works of art and literature that have been produced from the people of this culture. The Western Culture believes that its long dominance over the world has helped to spread these works all over the world. Dominance has always been key to the spread of the works of art that have been produced in the Western Culture.

However, many people in this Culture and in other cultures around the world feel that this dominance has gone too far. This spread of dominance has lead several protesters to uprise againts the Western Culture. The Feminist Group is one such group that is fighting back against the dominance of Western Culture worldwide. They believe it is wrong to force a way of life upon a culture.

Now lets examine the two main arguments:

The Western Culture Argument

The Feminists Argument

There is also a solution that could help to resolve the cultural wars that are breaking out all over the world. Let's take a look at that possible solution.

An Ideal Solution to the Debate