Assignments: Week 2

Task 1
Whether hypertext fiction is "old" or "new" cannot be solved by investigating lineage, but rather by describing the kind of world that exists to support one or the other way of creating fiction.
Howard S Becker
If Becker's statement is true, then it takes a different kind of world with different kinds of readers in order for hyperfiction to exist. Our task for today is to try and decide what kind of world that might be. We'll go about it backwards though. We'll look at some hyperfiction and then make conjectures about what kind of an audience might find these works fulfilling. Spend about fourty minutes exploring
by Michael Benedetti
by Stuart Moulthrop
The Color of Television
by Stuart Moulthrop
Once you have looked through these hyperfictions, use this form to compose a few thoughts about the works. How would you characterize a receptive reader of these works. What kinds of beliefs, backgrounds and tastes would that reader have? Next think about the kind of a world that such a person would feel comfortable in. How would you describe it? Finally, write about the way our own culture at the close of the twentieth century corresponds with the pictures that we've drawn based upon the hyperfictions. Are the imagined readers of hyperfiction like most people today? How so or how not? Is our world like the one that hyperfictions demand? In what ways? Use these prompts as you compose, then read and respond to the messages of others.
Your name:

The subject of your message:

Your message:

That's it for the in in class stuff. For next class meeting you will need to read several additional hyperfictions that are available from the
Hyperizons site.

Also, don't forget to sign up for the class e-mail list. If you have questions, let me know.

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Modified 8/29/96
Daniel Anderson