Assignments: Week 4

Task 2
Today we will post the drafts of our four creative writing episodes. Before beginning, I'd like you to think about a couple of strategies. First, you'll be able to create links to your various episodes using the submission form. First, you'll need to have something to link to. If you are trying to make a sort of linear progression out of your episodes, then, you might post the last one first. Then you can create links to the last one and to others as you add more episodes.

You might also want to post one or two episodes, then read through some of the others which have been posted. You can get a sense of what other authors are doing and if you find a related episode, you can link to it as well.

Above all, I want to see the four drafts so you can get feedback about them before revising them. To make this simpler, I'd like you to include and e-mail link somewhere in your episode. Just add a phrase that looks like this to your document:

<A HREF=">Contact Me</A>

Ok, so you'll need to go to the story and post your work. I've set up a working version that we will use for these drafts. After we've revised these suckers we can decide if we want to add them to the story that was written last semester or start fresh with a blank one. For now, go ahead and

add your episodes to the story.
If you haven't yet done so, use the form in order to sign up for the class e-mail list. If you have questions, let me know.
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Modified 8/29/96
Daniel Anderson