Assignments: Week 5

Task 1
Today we will do peer review of our four creative writing episodes. First, you'll need to choose a partner. Show your episodes to your partner and talk about the comments that I have given you. Also think about whatever other things might be done to strengthen the episodes.

Next, go over your partner's episodes.

Next, look through some of the other episodes in the story and decidew which ones seem the most succesful. Also think about elements from other episodes that you might be able to incorporate into your own work.

Finally, I'd like you and your partner to send me some ideas about your work for the day. Use the form below to write out what you think the major strenths and weaknesses of the episodes are and also what you thought about the other episodes in the story.

When finished, ship your ideas to me. You'll need to get to

the draft of the story.

Your names:

What do you have to say about the episodes?

If you haven't yet done so, use the form in order to sign up for the class e-mail list. If you have questions, let me know.
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Modified 8/29/96
Daniel Anderson