Assignments: Week 5

Task 2
Okay. We're going to post our final versions of our creative writing episodes into our collaborative story. You should be familiar with the process, but since this is going to be the polished version of the story, if you feel like you still need to test your episodes, you can experiment with the rough draft.

We'll start with blank version of the story today, so be sure to post carefully. If you make a mistake or need to revise an episode, let me know and I will delete the original so that you can repost.

Also, remember that this version of the story won't mess with the background or text color information at the top of the pages. In fact, it won't put your name or the tilte of your episode on the pages either, so be sure to have the episodes looking exactly as you want them to appear before submitting them.

Again, if there is a problem, let me know and I'll delete the submission so you can redo it.

The final task for you to do after checking all of your submissions is to e-mail me with the name of the four episodes that you have created. Once you e-mail me with the submission information, I can evaluate the episodes.

You'll need to go to

the final story.
and pop those suckers in there. Once you're all done, you can use the form below to tell me which episodes you have formally submitted.

Your name:

What are the names and categories for your episodes?

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Modified 8/29/96
Daniel Anderson