Translating an Arguement from Print to the World Wide Web

This site is an exploration into using the WWW to craft arguements previously composed for print based media. It is also a more general brainstorm of useful techniques for presenting an arguement on the World Wide Web. It is intended to spark useful ideas about crafting a persuasive web site.

Making the leap from print to the Web is a challenge for writers and thinkers of our age, because formal, intricate arguements have long relied on print as a medium of communication. The technology of writing, when invented, gave thinkers access to a tremendously powerful form of expression: instead of having to be personally present to deliver their opinions in long-winded rhetoric, they were afforded the luxury of structuring their thoughts in private, revising them as many times as neccessary,and then delivering them in the form of a linear based, "top-down" manuscript.

Now, with the technology of hypertext in its infancy, the output of thinkers is fundamentally changing again, for only the second time in history.

The difficulties of translating text based arguement to the Web.