
Computers and Writing

At the beginning of this year, I came to college with virtually zero computer talent. I would stare at the screen for five minutes just to figure out how to center the title of my paper. After my first semester in college, I realized how important computers, especially the internet, have become in our world. Professors post the class syllabus on a web page, research can be done sitting at home, and there is no need to rummage around searching for the lost yellow pages. With a flip of a switch, a world of information is at your fingertips.

I wanted to learn more about this virtual world, so I decided to take E309M. The course is designed to teach students to create their own web pages with HTML programming; therefore, it coincidingly improves other computer skills such as surfing the web, saving and transferring files, and basic word processing knowledge.

Entering the class with such little knowledge of computers was a bit intimidating at first. Fortunately, my roommate is extremely computer literate, so most of my questions had answers. However, not everyone's roommate can and/or will help answer their questions. When I began HTML programming, I had the most trouble with images and links. If you fall into this category, you may find my web page extremely helpful.


