Adding Images

The addition of images of different types is the natural next step in the
process of creating a hypertext from a plaintext. The author chooses images
that most appropriately convey his/her thoughts. Or can also add pictures
that contrast the argument to set a sarcastic mood, for example. The
following images were chosen for the sample plaintext and strategically embedded
into the text as links. "Hiding" the images within the plaintext enhances its
reading by breaking the linearity of conventional texts and allowing the reader
to explore related avenues.

Embodied Darkness

The body lies still on a cloud of softness . The eyes quicken with faith
in nothing, but the reverse flashing photo booth bits that form the
collage of nature's entertainment. The undulating motion of the breast
assumes the hypnotic pendulum needed to achieve ultimate solace. Suddenly,
the security in escape shatters like a falling mirror. The shadow
retrieves a shard of silver glass and taunts its creator. What must become
of the child when it forsakes it's parent? Extermination of the being which
led a warped existence. The shadow lunges with all its evil to impress a icy,
cold stake into it's vulnerable master, but the dark figure is disintegrated
by the warm yellow sphere .

Suggestions? Comments?

Dionicio L. Rodriguez
University of Texas at Austin