Although making your own web page can be very intimidating, it should not be. In fact, creating your own page can be simple and fun. This web site is designed to help you learn the tricks, so that you too can develop your own page.

  An important point to always remember when building your web page, is that you have access to may sources through the web that when utilized properly can and will help you.
   Anything you see on someone else's page, you can also recreate on your own page. If you are in Netscape, and come upon a page with a feature that you find attractive, just go to the "VIEW" menu, and select "DOCUMENT SOURCE." This will show you their page, and the code they used. You can use this code to recreate the same effect on your own page.
   Use your sources! It is easy and perfectly legal. Remember to have fun, and maintain your theme throughout the course of the project.


Portia Rosiere