Quick and Easy Logos Using Photoshop 4.0

Welcome. You have found the homepage to help you in making a cool logo icon for yourself using one of the most popular programs on the market today. This easy to follow webpage will show you how to create your own customized logo for personal use. You may use it on web pages as an email link to yourself, you can print it out and show it to your friends, you can use it to show off, and you can just say, "hey, I know how to use Photoshop." after following this nine step instruction manual. To aid you in this quest, pictures of the actual program have been captured to give you the full effect.

Click to begin

Click on the Picture to Begin.

This page is optimized for people without fast modems, but is highly recommended in at least hi-color (64K).

last updated: April 30, 1997

Please use Netscape Now!and MSIE SUCKS

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