A New Ride

Austin is a city facing the great challenges of the future, prepared for new innovations and ideas. In this context of adaptation and change, Capital Metro, the local public transportation provider, has proposed the construction of a high speed light rail system to better connect the city and its people. The light rail system could help channel growth in Austin and help relieve traffic problems but only if people are willing to ride the rails. Are Austinites prepared to give up their cars for public transportation? American culture emphasizes individuality and requires wide personal space. As Rifkin emphasizes in his book, Biosphere Politics, "the automobile personifies the autonomy and mobility" (Rifkin, 177) that are so important in our society. However, the costs of driving automobiles are steadily on the rise,and economics will soon dictate the need to change cultural preferences to reduce reliance on cars and increase the use of mass transit systems.

Pressures for the Paradigm Shift:

Gasoline Prices on the Rise

Environmental Issues

City Growth and Highways

Room for change?:

Reparticipation in Community Life

1970s Energy Crisis: Analogous Response

Maria E. Olin
April 10, 1997