Ethics of Social Media PSA


I like the way the typing is integrated into the piece. The musical selection also pulls the piece along well. I wonder about adjusting the volume level as the clips weave in and out. I wonder about holding longer or making the tweet that comes up at 57 secs more present. I like the angle of critiquing companies using social media for "regular business" in a crisis, but I think viewers might miss some of the nuance or not quite wrap their minds around how this plays out, so some additional guidance or work to make that aspect clear might be good. Or maybe have that tweet msg come on screen as you spell out the point later. I wonder if some clip speed adjustments for the typing might help with the flow.  The Ford shot is much more blatant and clear. Maybe at some point spelling out the ways that Likes are a kind of currency might be worth considering. I wonder about the close out. Does the last typed message undercut what has come before? How might closing out with a question or typed message rather than going back to the song change things. I like what this piece is doing. Nice work.