PSA: Domestic Violence & Activism

Sorry, this video is coming in a bit later than expected! Wasn't in class yesterday because I was sick, and was so for most of the weekend. 

When I first began working on my PSA project, I found that I was slipping into the same designs and habits as the Twitter video project video. I didn't want to fall into a rut. I wanted to challenge myself to communicate information differently, in a way I wasn't entirely comfortable doing - so I decided to do my own audio voiceover, which overlayed footage of me on the web and typing.

It gave me a chance to experiment with Audacity, and I was surprised at the flexibility the program offers. I was able to carefully edit out background noises and pauses in speaking.

Before starting, I re-examined my proposal, and realized that if I was going to contrast online activism with real life activism explicitly, I would 1. be speaking to a much smaller subset of people - a narrower audience, and 2. would probably need a much longer video. So I distilled the idea a bit - making it more palatable for the average audience, instead of choosing to bite off more than I could reasonably chew.

Because of this, I decided to talk both about online activism and "real life" activism and stress the importance of both, without condemning one and promoting another (which was probably problematic to begin with) - I feel like this really lightened up the video, or at least as much as possible considering the subject matter.






The opening audio pulls the viewer in well. I also like the juxtaposition of silence and the audio with violence. The narration is working well. I like how it reinforces the messages in the typing. I wonder about breaking up the opening clip. Could you show half, then do your PSA, then close up with the second half. Just a possible adjustment. I'm wondering about the black screen after 2:50. There may be a bit of tightening to be had between the 2:50 and 3:15 or so marks. The information and narration is strong. I'm not sure the close out couldn't be fidgeted with a bit more. Nice work.