
In order for a Sci-Fi movie to considered "good", the story and the setting need to realistic in their concept, but just a little bit too advanced and futuristic. The idea of replicating human beings might not be that believable, but, the concept is. What actually made this movie believable was the way that Earth was depicted. As room for outward expasion had been used up, there was no other choice but to go up. As is what is happening in todays society. The high-rise buildings were enormous. The asian influence is another detail that helps to make the movie somewhat more realistic. The asian cultures and societies are more advanced, and more well structured than our own. It is quite possible that one day Asia's influence will become more of a factor in the Earth's societies.

It is also important to make sure that the characters are likeable or dislikeable, whether they are human or not. Each character must possess certain qualities that either make them endearing to us, or make us disilike them.

  • Rachael
  • Deckard
  • Roy
  • Tyrell

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