One example of such ludicrous behavior was in the case of a young college student named Amy. In October of 1987, Amy, who had been on campus for only five weeks, was spending a quiet evening with some newfound friends in their dorm room watching movies. After a while her friends left her alone in the room with a boy she had only known for a couple of hours. Yet for the next four hours the young stranger raped Amy repeatedly against her will. After Amy reported the rape to the college's dean of students, she was quoted as saying, "He told me it was my word against my attacker's, and that if I went for a criminal prosecution the victim was basically put on trial" (Time 54). Not only was Amy forced to endure the physical, emotional, and mental abuse of rape by her attacker, but she was also condemned for reporting the rape to the proper authority, the dean of students, the person she felt she could trust and whom could help her with such a private and emotionally scarring act of violence.
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