Another aspect of rape on college campuses is the evaluation of where exactly most rapes occur. After much research into various newsgroups, one may discover that fraternities are blamed for much of the rapes on campuses all over the country. According to hebco, the name of the author by e-mail, "Fraternities give members a false sense of security. They develop a belief that they a superior to all others. This carries with it strong racial beliefs against other cultures and the other sex. From this stems the problem of sexual harassment and rape that is found in higher levels at all Greek organizations" (alt. college. Fraternities.). As many statistics have backed hebco in this claim, fraternity houses do account for a majority of the reported places where rapes occur on college campuses. Yet a person in defense of fraternities responds to hebco giving his reasoning as to why this factor might be true. He states, "Reconsider the large number of rapes on campus. The reason this number might be high is not that a fraternity makes a man want to rape, but simply because the kind of social, drinking , a--holes that like to rape women would find more of a home at a fraternity party" (alt. college. Fraternity.). Whether or not fraternities are the major culprits of college rapes or not is still unknown but the fact that rapes are reported most often at fraternity parties is and a solution to this area of rape must be found.
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