Transsexualism is here to stay

Transsexualism and cross-dressing are here to stay, no matter what we do. We can see it everywhere. Even Dolly Parton once said, "If I'd been born a man, I would have been a drag queen." (6) "Gays and lesbians are gaining visibility, bisexuality is a twenty-something trend, AIDS is stifling everyone with fear. Our private sexual identity inquiries are being mirrored in our media." (4) Transsexualism and cross-dressing is in the movies and the people we look up to. Such examples include the movie "Crying Game," RuPaul, BoyGeorge, "In Living Color," "Mrs. Doubtfire," "Paris is Burning," Kids in the Hall, Pat from Saturday Night Live, and Silence of the Lambs. It is just like homosexualism. Although many don't agree with homosexuals, they are not going to disappear. Many of us have learned to deal with homosexuals and leave them alone. This has made everything a whole lot easier. This is the same way we must go about the transsexual situation. We must worry about ourselves and stop getting involved in everyone else's business. Why do we care how another dresses? We shouldn't! What we do about ourselves is the only thing that matters and that is what we have to realize. We, as a society, must create and build up a tolerance towards such kinds of issues as transsexualism.
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