The purpose of presenting a conflict to the audience is to provide them with a case study in an effort to humanize the fact based issue. The issue can only be humanized if the audience can believe the individuals in the case study to be human. The Accused tries to set this tone to Sara's character early on in the movie. Soon after the rape Sara tries to make contact with her mother. Whereas Sara has something to tell her mother, all her mother can do is put Sara on the defensive about getting in trouble or needing money. When being questioned as such all Sara can do is deny that there is anything wrong. Sara, at this point is the loneliest person in the world: she does not have anyone to turn to. She does not have anyone she can talk to or anyone to comfort her. Some of the audience will be able to relate to the emptiness that Sara is feeling. And what about those people in the audience who have had similar experiences with one of their parents. Even though that person has never been raped, or is a man and does not have to worry about rape, he or she will be able to relate to Sara. Once they can picture themselves in Sara's role the purpose of the movie has been fulfilled; the audience now empathize with Sara and the movies' message has been passed on.
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