Assignments: Week 8

Task 2
Today we'll continue working on our second project, a 4-5 page research argument. Remember the deadlines: a draft of the paper is due this friday by 12:00 pm. You can either turn the papers in during class today or put them in my mailbox in FAC 8 by 12:00 on friday. You can also e-mail me a draft as a last resort, but I prefer to have them on paper and put in my box in FAC 8. Remember, I must have a draft of the paper before break if you are to get credit on the final version.

I didn't get a list of sources from everybody yet, so if you haven't sent it, do so by friday as well. You can send me the sources by using the form on the previous assignment.

Today, you are free to work on the papers. I'll be available to help. If you have questions, let me know.

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Modified 8/29/96
Daniel Anderson