What is Blade Runner's Genre?

Today the film industry is making billions of dollars a year making the movies that you and I want to see. It takes a lot of hard work and effort to make a movie that is enjoyable enough for audiences to go and see. There are many kinds of movies on the market today, but Science-Fictional Suspense movies are on the rise. Some of these include "The Terminator", "The Highlander", and "Blade Runner". What makes a movie Sci-Fi Suspense film? One characteristic is movie scenes that make the audience anticipate bad unavoidable situations, but is released of the anguish by something they did not expect. Futuristic technology in relation to our own are found in Sci-Fi Suspense films. Other characteristics are a believable story and spectacle is used to stimulate the imagination. Blade Runner is an excellent example of what a Sci-Fi Suspense film is.


In the movie there are scenes that make the audience anticipate unavoidable situations. This still is from the building scene when Deckard is trying to sneak up on Roy Batty, but he is surprised by Roy Batty's hand breaking through the wall to grab him. Before Deckard was surprised by Roy Batty, he was walking quietly along a wall. The suspense rises because no one knows what is on the other side of the wall. The tension peaks when Roy Batty's hand breaks through the wall. By looking at the still, you can see how Deckard's facial expressions show his alarm. They are frightened and alarmed as Roy Batty holds his wrist. His eyes glare at the hand that now holds him and his brow is wrinkled with pain.

Here is another scene that creates suspense for the audience. Leon has found Deckard and has the intension of killing him. Deckard tries to fight him, but is very unsuccessful in doing it. Once Deckard was defeated by Leon, Leon moved in to finish him. The audience feels uneasy because it looks as if Deckard is going to die. The tension is released when a gun shot is heard from behind that kills Leon. In the still Deckard looks tired and beaten as Leon holds him up. Deckard looks as if he is awaiting death by his glazed expression. The audience feels suspense because they are unaware that Rachael is there to save Deckard.

In the final scenes of the movie with Roy Batty, Deckard misses a jump and catches himself on a girder and is losing his grip. Roy Batty looks over at him to watch him fall. The audience is frightened for Deckard because they know that Roy Batty will not help him. Once Deckard loses his grip, the tension peaks and is relieved by Roy Batty action of grabbing Deckard's wrist. In the still, you can see how surprised and frightened Deckard is by his facial expressions upward toward his wrist. Deckard and the audience truly believed he was going to die, but Roy Batty's unexpected compassion saved him.

All of these examples give Bladerunner an element of suspense through the use of unexpected twists in the plot. This in turn gives the audience a feel of mounted emotion and relieved tension.

Futuristic Technology

For a Sci-Fi Suspense film to be science-fictional, there has to be futuristic technology in comparison to ours. It can be seen in new technology and advancements on technologies that already exist.

In today's time we have automobiles that get us from place to place. In Blade Runner, Deckard is dependent on using a spinner. It is an advanced automobile that flies around in the air. As you can see in the still, it is a product we have never seen before in our society. It looks like a car of today, but it flies like a plane. It tells us that technology has advanced enough for this to be possible.

To be able to identify replicants, Tyrell Corporation created the Voight-Kampff machine. In the still it gives a picture of it with Deckard sitting behind it. The extension from the base is the eye piece that views the subjects cornea movement. The base has a respiration monitor and EKG analysis machine. This device is not available in today's time because we have no use for it. Replicants are a technology that has not been invented yet, so we have no need to identify them.

In J.F. Sebastian's home he had an advanced micro scope called a stereoscope. It was an invention created by J.F. for his lab. There are stereoscopes around today, but are not as advanced as this one. The schematic shows how sophisticated it is in how large it is and the design of the casing.

The Esper machine is a photograph analyzer. What makes this unique is that it is voice activated. It zooms in on object in a photograph and gives incredible detail. The Esper machine gives a mix of old technology with new. In the still you can see a color monitor. Today we have color monitors, but not with those kinds of capabilities. Granted this kind of technology could be created, but it would be too expensive for someone to have for home use.

The most important example of futuristic technology is the replicant. Roy Batty is artificial intelligence that was created by the Tyrell Corporation. In looking at Roy Batty, you can not see any differences in the way he looks compared to a human. His eyes, hair, skin, and brain are manufactured in a plant, but they look realistic. This is not possible for man kind to manufacture such a machine in our time period.

These examples are of technologies that have not been created yet. Creations that will be possible in the future as mankind evolves. They are presented throughout the Blade Runner film. With all of these objects in the film, it gives the audience a sense of advanced technology.

Stimulation of the Imagination

In this film, spectacle stimulates the imagination. Spectacle is the special effects of a production. Blade Runner has many scenes where spectacle is exhibited.

This is the image of the Tyrell Corporation building. The similar archetecture of the pyramids shows power and splendor. The size of the structure is very large. As Deckard approaches the building, the imagination runs wild to figure out how big the building is. The use of the color makes an impact as well. The building shines with thousands of golden lights coming from the inside. The audience interprets those lights as rooms of the building. This gives the building the appearance of being large in size. The golden color is translated by the imagination as an object of power. It symbolizes the city of gold that the conquistadors were in search of.

This advertisement is for space exploration to Off-World colonies. Today we are just scraping the surface of space travel and the thought of colonies on other worlds are left to our imaginations. The colors of the Off-World blimp are bright and exciting to look at. It helps the viewer imagine what it would be like to live on another planet. The blimp itself is different than the blimps we are used to seeing. The blimp is larger in size and has more lights on it. The viewer imagines what it would be like to see one of these blimps in the air.

Believeable Plot

Despite a lot of futuristic aspects of the film, Blade Runner is a plot that could take place in the future. The location of the action is in Los Angeles in 2019. This dating of the movie sets the mind of the viewer that this is taking place in America in the close future.
Clothes that were being worn in the film were clothes that we might wear in today's times. Here Deckard is sitting at a Chinesse noodle bar. His clothes do not have any futuristic look. They are clothes we have worn in our past. Trench coats have been around for centuries. Deckard is wearing a plain tie. The viewer begins to believe that this plot could happen because of the personal connection with the clothes that are being worn. Had the clothes been totally different, the plot would have been less rational because it happens thirty years in the future.

There are pictures of places and objects that are familar to the viewer. Some of the action takes place in china town. In the still, Chinesse writing is on the buildings. The viewer can believe it's existance because China Town is an actual location in Los Angeles. Familar objects can be seen in the film. A police spinner is seen in the film. The viewer can identify with the police spinner because we have police cars that we see in our daily lives. Bladerunner tries to be able to convince the audience that the plot could take place by these familar places and things.


The creators of the film did an excellent job of creating a future in which man could possibly exist. The special effects is what helps this film be as believeable as it can. With the elements of surprise, futuristic technology, stimulation of the imagination, and a believeable plot makes Blade Runner a great example of a Sci-Fi Suspense film.

I would appreciate your comments on this project. You can send me a reponse to skippy@mail.utexas.edu.

Stills were taken from Blade Runner Online Magazine and Blade Runner FAQ

Link to 2019: Off-World.

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