E 306CA, 27195, Week Nine, October 24, 26 and 28.


Today we turned in our rough draft of the movie review. We were then introduced into our next research project.


First, we opened Mosaic and looked at a paper Mr. Anderson has been working on. Then, we went to the table to discuss whether we were going to follow all projects on the syllabus. Last, we browsed through Mosaic for a topic we found interesting then saved them.


Today we finally decided on the topic we were going to do our research on. We came up with several topics and then we got into groups with people who have the same topic. Home work is to read Writting Arguments pg. 370-387

Click an image above to move on to other course units, or select:

Unpacking and presenting written arguments .
Composing a multimedia film review .
Web versions of group research projects.
Web versions of research proposal papers.

Other student created work can be found at the weekly class summaries.

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