Written Arguments

The first unit of the course will work at unpacking and presenting written arguments. We will consider and critically read the arguments of others, while they consider ours.

Available unit resources Censorship InterChange 9/2/94.
The first paper assignment.
An html tutorial
An InterChange on Family Values 9/16/94
An InterChange on speech codes. Instructions of setting up an e-mail account.
A copy of Irving Kristol's censorship argument.

We will work during week one
week two
week three
week four, and
week five.

This unit features a three to four page arguable claim paper.

Before composing, we will explore argumentation using the methodologies of the philosopher, Stephen Toulmin.

There will be two homework assignments.

We will also engage in several close readings and begin and join conversations about the individual, society, justice, virtue and many other topics of interest.

Click an image above to move on to other course units, or select:

Composing a multimedia film review .
Web versions of group research projects.
Web versions of research proposal papers.

Other student created work can be found at the weekly class summaries.

Return to the syllabus, go to the policy statement, or back to Daniel's home page, to the CWRL home page, or to the UT home page.
