E 306CA, 27195, Week One, August 31 and September 2.

We began with the policies and introduction and then talked about some magazine ads. The first ad pictured a thin woman with a thin cigarette; at the top of the page was the caption, "THERE IS NO SLIMMER WAY TO SMOKE." We discussed the add as an argument. Put into a because clause it went something like this: You should smoke Capri (the brand of the cigarette) because you'll be/get thin. We saw that the unstated assumption that allows one to make the claim is that thinner is better.

The second ad was for Benson & Hedges cigarettes. It pictured seven passengers and a flight attendant on the wing of jumbo jet smoking--the passengers, not the jet. The caption read: THE LENGTHS YOU GO TO FOR PLEASURE. The because clause we came up with went: You should smoke B & H, because it's soooo pleasurable. One Unstated assumptionbeneath this claim is that you should do everthing that's pleasurable. How many people would agree with that?

The second day of the week we spent some time practicing copying and pasting text and getting to know the Daedalus software. we finished the day with an InterChange on censorship.

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Unpacking and presenting written arguments .
Composing a multimedia film review .
Web versions of group research projects.
Web versions of research proposal papers.

Other student created work can be found at the weekly class summaries.

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