Race and Gender Homepage

by: McLain Hall, M. Heath Haley, Mike Nunez, Zulema Vasquez, Alicia Castillo

Discrimination against different ethnic races and genders is an issue that is constantly gaining attention in today's society. On various news programs and public service announcements there is more awareness and tolerance of diversity. Since the mid-fifties, there has been progress made in respect to discrimination such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In the workplace we have seen a growing number of women leaving the stereotypical housewife roles of the fifties and entering the workforce to become professionals in a wide array of occupations. Although progress has been made, discrimination still exists towards different ethnicities and gender. An example of present day problems of two people who face discrimination can be seen in our story.

Zulema Marie Vaquez

In today's society, women still earn a percentage of men's earnings. Is this fair? I think not. Women are human beings and can perform the same tasks as men, and nothing separates the two except physical features. What I propose is equality in pay for all men and women. My proposal paper will reveal statistics, differences, and documented experiences showing that there is a problem with unequal pay and there must be someway to achieve equal pay among men and women. A way to achieve this equality is proposed in my paper called "What Needs To Be Done For Equal Pay For Women".

McLain Hall

In the mid to late 1800's the United States Government forced Native American tribes to settle on the reservations. Today there exists great poverty
on the reservations that has led to other problems such as poor housing, education, and health care. Yet efforts are being made to pull the Native Americans of the reservation out of poverty while at the same time preserving a culture rich in tradition and history. Still, however, more needs to be done.

M. Heath Haley

Over the past few years, transsexualism and cross-dressing have become more common in our society. We see it everyday on t.v., in magazines, and on the streets. However, discrimination against cross-dressers and transsexuals has led to major acts of violence. In some cases, even murder. These unfortunate tragedies must be stopped. In my paper, "The Fight Against Transsexualism: A Lost Cause," I will try to examine the problems of discrimination and give possible solutions to the discrimination and violence being brought against transsexuals and cross-dressers.

Alicia Castillo

Women have made many advances to gain equality in the workplace. The feminist movement has struggled to enact the Equal Rights Amendment in order to eliminate discrimination towards women. Many critics argue women have gained true equality and we no longer need the ERA. In reality, differences can be seen by the large wage gaps and the placement of women in lower paying jobs. If you would like to view my paper click here.

Mike Nunez

Bigotry and racial tension are becoming bigger and bigger problems everyday. A race war may soon come. Bigotry starts on the individual level and it must be solved on the individual level. Governments can help by making it harder to make it in the world for a bigot, but the main part must be done on the individual level. In the immortal words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along". To view my paper please click here.

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