FINAL -- Twitter's effect on today's Wall Street.


Money never slept as it was before the days of twitter, but now the information moves as quickly as the money. Investing has always been about risk and reward, but as the global market places equilibrate, many investors are looking for an edge, and that edge can be speed, which ultimately can be facilitated by twitter for better or worse. This video talks about algorithmic trading and the problems that arose due to a hacked twitter account. 

CBS 60 minutes clip


I like the mix of audio that opens up the piece. The narration also has a nice tone. I wonder a bit about the duration of the 60 minutes clip--can it be trimmed or broken up? Another strategy is to separate the audio and vidoe and keep the 60 minutes audio going while switch to some new visuals. The topic is interesting and the materials are all nicely chosen. I feel like a bit more context might be helpful, particularly around 2:50 when he refers to that one tweet. In general, some text or callouts guiding the viewer along in spots might be helpful--who is speaking, what is the context? During the long audio segment after 3 minutes, I wonder about some more visual variety. The opacity is helpful, but again separating the audio and visuals might be good. In general, thinking through some strategies for breaking up and synthesizing the information will help find a better flow and sense of variety for the segments.