
English 149 Summer 2013 Syllabus

MoTuWeThFr 9:45AM-11:15AM

Greenlaw - Rm 0316


06/20/2013 - 07/26/2013

Office hours will be held Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1:00-2:00 (and by appointment). My office is in Greenlaw Hall, room 533. (I’m often in room 314.) My office phone is 962-8480. I can be reached by e-mail at My cell is 740-8559. On twitter, I am @iamdan.

Most of the course information and activities will play out at Consult the site regularly for important tasks and to participate.

There is one book for the course (Now You See It), available at student stores. We will also engage a number of readings online


There will be four key components to the course:

•   A twitter research video

•   A public service announcement (or tutorial) video

•   A mashup video

•   A video essay about Internet culture

These projects will also be supported by a number of composing activities and assignments.


A good deal of activity will take place through our class site. You will be required to use the site to exchange ideas, review one another’s work, etc. You can participate on the site using social media tools—commenting, rating, updating. In class, helping with projects, joining discussions, being prepared, and offering materials for critique are expected as part of your participation.

You will also be required to read the course texts; a reading assignment will be administered prior to their discussion.


Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each session. Late arrivals may be prevented from adding their name to the daily attendance roster. If you miss more than two class periods, your grade may be lowered based on the number of absences you have.


Your final grade will be based on meeting all of the requirements in the course and participating in the online and in-class activities. These participation activities will account for a total of 20 points. The supporting assignments and major projects will be evaluated using the following scheme:

Twitter video proposal                         20 points

Twitter video report                                     100 points

PSA/tutorial research write up                     20 points

PSA/tutorial video                                       100 points

Mashup manifesto                                       20 points

Mashup                                                       100 points

Internet culture bibliography                         20 points

Internet culture video                                   100 points

These points will be totaled and computed to assign your class grade using a 10 point scale:

90 – 100 =  A

80 – 90 = B

70 – 80 = C

60 – 70 = D

< 60 = F

Plusses or minuses may be assigned at the instructor’s discretion.


You will be asked to use computers in and out of class to conduct activities in this course. You must allow time and seek assistance for any technical issues that arise when completing computer-based activities (information and technical assistance are available at or 962-HELP). You should also be aware that electronic class activities will be public in nature. We will be posting materials and conducting activities on the Internet. In addition, the course Web site is available publicly on the Internet. No protected information will be posted, but the assignments, projects, and activities will be conducted and shared publicly. Additionally, the activities related to the class may be viewed, discussed, and shared by the instructor, the students, or others. And our activities may be taken up as part of conversations or in compositions about teaching, writing, and other topics. I will ask you to sign a permission form indicating that your work may be viewed and shared electronically or used for publishing. If you to opt-out of any of these activities, we can arrange alternatives.

Students must also observe appropriate behavior during all computer-based activities related to this class. Students must act with respect and responsibility. Engaging in activities deemed to be offensive or inappropriate will be considered a violation of the UNC Honor Code.

Any student found plagiarizing work in this course will be considered in violation of the UNC Honor Code.

The Big Picture

We will learn the ins and outs of manipulating the computer screen to express ourselves creatively, investigating what it means to compose online for a public audience.