Social Media Can Get You Fired

My Twitter video will be on the topic of dangers of social media misuse and the social and/or work-related consequences that it brings.  As capturing the attention of the audience is an important task when relaying information, the video will serve to entertain and inform on the topic.  Hopefully this can serve as a cautionary tale that will prevent any viewers from repeating the mistakes outlined.


In the news we occasionally see public figures posting unflattering and often offensive comments on Twitter, but the offending Tweets tend to be quickly deleted, so most likely the Tweet archive will come in the form of screenshots that saved the offending Tweets to highlight them.  Video will also be used to highlight how social media faux pas can lead to public shaming on the news.


There are various news articles as well as video clips that highlight particularly notable cases of social media gone wrong causing a stir as well as lost jobs, so collecting and slicing them into the Twitter video will be an important fixture. 


Unfortunately, I have not been able to yet locate a video that could be used as inspiration so I am thus unable to provide a source to one.  Of importance to me will be editing the video to create smooth transitions so the viewer does not lose interest.