Video Essay Bibliography


Create an annotated bibliography of five or more sources related to your Internet culture video essay. Begin by conducting research using the library Web site. Be sure that at least two of your sources come from academic journals. You can also conduct research on blogs or using other online sources. It's a good idea to collect more than five sources so that you can winnow down your list to the most valuable items.

Once you have identified five sources to use in your report, follow these steps:

  • Create a bibliography list of the five sources using MLA style. You can find information on MLA style online.
  • For each item in the list, compose a two or three sentence summary. In your summary, highlight the focus and coverage of the research source.
  • For each item in the list compose one or two sentences detailing how you might use the source in your video project. 
  • Check over the entries to make sure they are formatted properly and that the annotations are clear and correct.

You can create your annotated bibliography in a word processor or using an online document like google docs. When you have completed the bibliography, go to the Add Content link on our Web site, then select  Video Bibliography. In the page that opens you can paste your bibliography into the editing window. Or you can attach it as a file. Submit your bibliography by 11:59PM on July 18th.





Annotated Bibliography

"Anonymity on the Internet: Why the Price may be too high." Apr. 2002. Web. 19 July 2013.

·      This article talks about the pros and cons of anonymity on the internet.

Brauser, Deborah. "Internet Addiction May be as Hard to kick as         Drugs." WebMD, 26 Feb. 2013. Web. 19 July       2013.

·      This article discusses how internet addiction is similar to drug addiction, how they differ, and what are the consequences of internet addiction.

Griffiths, Mark. "Hello, good buy: Another Look at Shopping       Addiction." Apr. 2002. Web. 19 July 2013.

·      This is a blog post by Dr. Mark Griffiths about the dangers of shopping addiction and how it is widely unnoticed because shopping is supposed to be therapeutic.

"Internet Addiction." The Center for Internet   Addiction Recovery, n.d. Web. 19 July 2013.

·      This website gives facts about internet addiction.

Ollie, John. "Study: Internet Addicts Suffer Withdrawal Symptoms         like Drug Users." Time Magazine, 19       Feb. 2013. Web. 19 July 2013.

·      This Times article talks about how internet addiction is similar to drug addiction in that they both suffer serious withdrawal symptoms.

Bibliography - Millennials 

n.d. <>.

Photo to be used as slide show.

n.d. <>.

Photo to be used as slide show.

n.d. <

Photo to be used as slide show.

AOL Commercial from 1999. n.d. <>.

Video to provide backdrop to voice.

Child of the 90s - New Internet Explorer 10 Commercial ! n.d. <>.

Video to provide backdrop to voice.

D'ADDARIO, DANIEL . "Time magazine’s “millennials” cover: A history of “millennials” in the media." 9 May 2013. Salon. <

Photos to be used as slide show.

"How to research a history of technology articles and books using Questia." 20 June 2013. iCitations. <

Photo to be used as slide show.

Mandy Moore - Candy (instrumental). Perf. Mandy Moore. n.d. <>.

"Millennial Matters." n.d. <>.

Photo to be used as slide show.

Millennials Guide To Baby Boomers: A Response. n.d. <>.

Video to be used to elaborate subject and provide backdrop for voice.

Millennials in the Workplace Training Video. n.d. <>.

Video to be used to introduce subject and provide backdrop for voice.

"Millennials in the Workplace Training Video (Humor) - See more at:" 7 June 2013. CIO. <

Photo to be used as slide show.

"Millennials Rejecting Democrats Due To Spying." 24 June 2013. Chriss Street and Company. <

Photo to be used as slide show.

One Piece OST 1 # 09 Uunan and the stone storage room. n.d. <>.

Real 1950s Rock &Roll, Rockabilly dance from lindy hop ! Perf. Lindy Hop. n.d. <>.

Video to be used to illustrate the inaccuracy of ascribing negative aspects, particularly laziness, to a generation, specifically The Silent Generation, for comparison purposes.

REEVE, ELSPETH . Every Every Every Generation Has Been the Me Me Me Generation. 9 May 2013. <>.

A rebuttal to The New Greatest Generation piece, however upon inspection this only goes into more detail about how Millennials are not negative instead of contradicting. 


SAFIRE, WILLIAM . Generation What? 28 November 2008. <>.

Stein, Joel and Josh Sanburn. The New Greatest Generation. 20 May 2013. <

Exposé on the current place of Millennials and how they interact with other age groups along with their customs.  Due to the technology, this demographic has had more opportunities and limitations placed upon them.