Bladerunner Clips and Stills

Video Clips Available from the CWRL server:

Tyrell talking about his motto to Deckerd. (1.2 Mb)

Sebastian saying "some of me is in you." (2.9 Mb)

Deckerd telling Rachel about her memories. (1.8 Mb)

Roy's hand. (2.6 Mb)

Roy killing Tyrell. (4.3 Mb)

Photographs and Rachel playing the piano. (3.0 Mb)

Deckerd calling Rachel from a bar. (2.7 Mb)

Roy talking to the maker of eyes. (784 Kb)

A police flyover. (1.3 Mb)

Roy telling Pris, "there's only two of us now." (1.9 Mb)

Roy meeting Tyrell. (1.9 Mb)

Roy Dying. (7.3 Mb)

Dove after Roy's death. (3.9 Mb)

Deckerd's hand. (3.2 Mb)

Deckerd's hand again. (1.2 Mb)

Deckerd using the computer. (1.4 Mb)

Rachel saying I am the business. (1.4 Mb)

You can also sample from our collection of still images.

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