
Is online culture more democratic than culture at large? Voices which would never find a forum in print media are heard clearly on the net. Is it more diverse? What about the demographics of internet users? This site examines the dynamics of online culture, looking a people, interactions, values, art and communications.

Our first efforts looks at both print and online culture by examining the recent controversy sparked by the publication of the "Cyberporn" article in Time during the summer of 1995. You can make use of our cyberporn information site. We'd also like you to add your thoughts about the controversy to our cyberporn discussion forum.

We are also spending some time examining the make-up of internet communities. If your interested, please add your insights to our discussion forum concerning newsgroup and MUD communities. You can also try jumping on an Internet Relay Chat line, though you will need to be using Netscape and may need to download the IRC helper application for your browser. After getting and setting up the IRC client, or if you are in the CWRL you can join the IRC channel Rhetoric.

We're also spending some time talking about Douglas Coupland's Microserfs. If you're interested you can find our information about microserfs at the Coupland file. There is also a Microserfs home page.

Stay tuned for more.
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