
When we write an essay or construct a web page, our materials have their own characteristics. Most languages are made up of events and things. Written language contains verbs and nouns and also uses conventions like paragraphs, sentences, and commas to present information. A web page might use language and images, perhaps colors, to deliver ideas; however, hypertextual language is also made of things and events, nodes and connections. Note how the hypertextual concept of the "link" splits into object and event, indicating not only the physical structure, the connection between two points, but also the process of making this connection, the act of linking. This site will evolve around the exploration of media.
Our first exploration of media looks at the issue of cyberporn and the differences between print and online media. Of particluar interest are the student projects on cyberporn; some of the projects highlighting issues of media include, Freedom of Expresion on the Internet, by Maria Caldwell

Applying Electronic Fig Leaves, by Benjamin Irom

Free Speech: Regulation?!, by Ajay Kapoor

Regulating the 'Net, by Anthony Morales.

Stay tuned for more stuff.
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