
Having realized the transition from telegraph to telephone to radio, TV, film, to bandwidth, to whatever comes next, we all can agree that the ways we present information have changed. It's harder to convince someone, however, that we need to re-examine the way we write. Seeing online interactions as writing extends our own powers of presentation. We can borrow what we know from other forms of writing and document what we discover about the new.
This class is interested in the spaces that the internet carves our for different kinds of writing. We will be working on formal, print papers and web projects for this course. Additionally, we are interested in informal writing and the ways that technology expands the definition of these kinds of conversational compositions. For examples, you can check our message forums page, or look at a transcript of an interchange on cyberporn.

Our first close look at writing and hypermedia begins with two writing samples by the instructor. Both of the essays experiment with writing to discuss writing.

Not Maimed but Malted looks at the use of graphics in student compositions.

From Browsers to Builders looks at student compositions in HTML.

Stay tuned for different information.
Online_Highbeam Media Culture Writing
Message_Forums Student_Work Web_Reviews

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