Sci-Fi Criteria

Certainly there are requirements which all films must fulfill in order to be considered good multimedia artworks.These criteria entail having good acting, a convincing plot, innovative direction, complimentary music score, and countless others. However, there are specific items which all successful science-fiction films in particular share. Indeed, a futuristic plot is paramount, usually one that is credible and might actually exist in the future. The underlying message of this futuristic plot often comments on present-day culture, or postulates what might happen to the future civilization if we continue on our present course. The film should display more advanced forms of technology so that the viewer really feels that he is witnessing something ahead of his time. It is especially in sci-fi movies that we experience the latest in special effects, both visual and aural. Music, a common criterion for most movies, should reflect the period in which the plot is set. A strong sci-fi musical score consists of non-traditional sounds, and usually benefits in utilizing electronic synthesizers as sound sources, all with the intent of leaving a more futuristic impression on our ears. As with all films, Sci-Fi movies also must introduce some sort of conflict between good and evil, or between the protagonist and the antagonist, which most often represents a threat to human existence. The subject of conflict brings us to the final ingredients -- action and suspense, both which are byproducts of resolving the conflict and are necessary in maintaining the interest of the viewer.

An excellent example of a science-fiction film which addresses all of the aforementioned criteria is the movie BLADERUNNER .

  • Bladerunner Page

  • Futuristic Plot

  • Protagonist

  • Antagonists

  • Advanced Technology and Special Effects

  • Non-Traditional Music

  • Action and Suspense

  • Please address any questions or comments to: Benjamin Irom