This is the transcript of a class discussion on the cyberporn controversy. If you are interested, you might go to our cyberporn information page, or add your thoughts to our cyberporn message forum.
Daniel Anderson:
This forum for discussion is somewhat like a chat line. You type messages and they appear on each others screens. You can discuss whatever interests you relating tothe cyberporn topic, but I'd like us to begin initially thinking about the Media invovled, namely magazines, vs Internet forums. If you've had a chance to read some of the newsgroup messages that appeared on the internet in response to the article, then you'll know that a large number of people spoke out against the article. I'd like you to consider which texts__either personal messages or the Time article--have the most authority and why?

Ferry Sutanto:

Daniel Christal:
Hello all

Roy Lee Saenz:

Daniel Christal:
Cool beans

John Sumpter:

Ferry Sutanto:
Hi all. This is a cool program

Roy Lee Saenz:

Garrett Maddox:
hello there guys

Roy Lee Saenz:
So who is for the Exon bill?

Anthony Morales:

Jarrod Tuikka:
Hello, how is everyone? This is Pretty cool!

Daniel Christal:
not I

Ferry Sutanto:
So what topics we should chat about ?

Garrett Maddox:
How many licks does it take to reach the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop?

Jarrod Tuikka:
The exon bill is a bunch of crap

Daniel Christal:
Censorship should be in the hands of the individual

Jessica Meyer:
Hiya :)

Anthony Morales:
I can definitely say that I am against the Exon bill.

Samantha Ricker:
Ihave a headache

Ferry Sutanto:
Anthony, why do you against exon bill ?. Do you know the content of it ?.

Maria Caldwell:
Somebody tell me about the Exon bill, please?

Garrett Maddox:
samantha take an advil

Daniel Christal:
Less government involvement with personal business

Eric Greenberg:
Here Here on the headache

Roy Lee Saenz:
It's not good!

Anthony Morales:
The government is not a moral judge, it was created to protect property!

Stacey Hellewell:
Should the first ammendment be revised?

Gary Litt:
Did anybody see the guystanding at the west mall today dressed up like a Ben & Jerry's ice cream cone?

Naresh Nayak:
The exon bill is quite a complicated issue actually

Benjamin Irom:
Parents are the only censors of pornography!

Jessica Meyer:
The Exon bill is unconstitutional....its rediculous that it even passed. Even the Newt was against it

Garrett Maddox:
just keep you hands off my internet

Daniel Christal:
yes, to protect property, not invade peopple's homes

Anthony Morales:
what does ben and Jerry have to do with censorship, did i miss something?

Jarrod Tuikka:
each person has the right to decide what they want to see and read, and when

Daniel Anderson:
Stacey, what do you have in mind for revising the first amendments?

Naresh Nayak:
even minors Jarrod??

Anthony Morales:
revising the first amendment?

Jarrod Tuikka:
Ya know, this is a pretty cool program, but it is very hard to try to keep up with

Samantha Ricker:
I have already had one too many crashes on this information super highway, where's my exit?!!!!

Ferry Sutanto:
can somebody outline the content of the exon bill ?

Roy Lee Saenz:
Minors can get it else where..... it's not the issue.

Naresh Nayak:
Love thy neighbour Stacey..:P

Benjamin Irom:
How does one revise the First Amendment?

Jessica Meyer:
if you revise the first amendment, what's to stop people from revising the rest?

Jack Cooper:
Sen. Exon is not well informed enough to write any bill about the internet

Daniel Anderson:
Naresh, do you know anything about the content of the Bill? I know it was toned down somewhat to protect people like AOL. Does it prohibit "pornography" on the net?

Jarrod Tuikka:
oh, poor samantha! You'll get the hang of it pretty soon

Jessica Meyer:
Exon's a jerk...he has no clue.

Maria Caldwell:
If you revise the first amendment, when do you stop revising? That's pretty scary stuff to mess with.

Daniel Christal:
there should be guidlines limiting the ability of others to force topics into people's face, but not the ability to find topics that the individual sees fit.

Anthony Morales:
How do you want to revise it?

Roy Lee Saenz:
AOL shouldn't be on the net in the first place....

Garrett Maddox:
to revise the first amendment you have to go through the proper channels of government and the people.....blah blah blah. It kind of gets complicated.

Jarrod Tuikka:
Now, now Jessica, be nice. But you are right the ass-hole has no right to try to control what we see and do

Jessica Meyer:
roy: LOL!

Anthony Morales:
Yes! down with AOL!!!!

Daniel Christal:
put a big check mark next to it

Benjamin Irom:
This answer to this issue seems pretty clear to me.

Daniel Christal:
down with AOL!

Gary Litt:
you are all so funny

Jessica Meyer:
gary: we think so

Garrett Maddox:
paying for internet services suck!!!

Daniel Christal:

Eric Greenberg:
Why are they so worried about children seeing pornography on the Internet
when it is all over cable televison?

Ferry Sutanto:
what aol got to do with this ?. did I miss something ?

Naresh Nayak:
yea whats AOL got to do with this??

Anthony Morales:
AOL puts a lot of restrictions on their users, a friend of mine is on and hates it.

Daniel Christal:
the porn on Cable is NOT the same as on the internet

Gary Litt:
Eric, you are right.

John Sumpter:
It's always fun to bash AOL.

Jack Cooper:
Sen Exon is not there yet, he needs a lot more information or a tutor for "windows". The guy has never used a computer.

Garrett Maddox:
People, your cable box can have channels switched off and reactivated by a flip of a switch.

Jessica Meyer:
eric: cause they can't control it...(as if they control television). but i think peoople ar very leary of technology they don't know...and many don't know anything aobut the internet. that's why reports like this are so damaging to its possiblilites

Tony Chang:
man, there shure are alot of fast typers in this class.

Ferry Sutanto:
let's talk about windows95

Daniel Anderson:
If the answer is not to censor, but the general public and congress feel that we should censor, then there seems to be a problem Ideally, it would be grteat to say they're just messed up. But these messed up people have tremendous power and influece. What kinds of things can be done to educate the general public. the online culture kbnows it is a valuable place to be.

Anthony Morales:
How is porn on cable different? It's the same stuff, different medium.

Gary Litt:
Lets not

Daniel Christal:
Go with individual servers...not aol

Ferry Sutanto:
why not, gary

Stacey Hellewell:
Daniel, It just seems that a lot of people have forgotten about what is really involved with it. That the government shouldn't try to cut off what we are doing and saying without justifiable cause. It appears to be that they are trying to cut off the rights of the computer fanatics of the world. If we don't want it, we aren't going to go looking for it. It is that simple.

Jack Cooper:
The internet is the same way, you have to pay to get any porn.

Daniel Christal:
different medium? Different rating you mean

Jessica Meyer:
the senate: White Men Working for You! (Dave Barry)

Samantha Ricker:
Actually, the porn on magazine racks is the biggest problem. It is the easiest to get too. If we can't control that, we will never be able to control cable or computers

Daniel Anderson:
Anthony, good point. I think the things that people are worried about are that on cable you don't interact with the porn--well maybe;-0 but online people can talk back.

Naresh Nayak:
Jack u can get a lot of porn without paying actually.

Benjamin Irom:
We must educate everyone about how to use the internet, especially the parents of child hackers.

Jarrod Tuikka:
There are many ways in which parents can censor what their children see. The Gov. has no right to censor. It hould be done within the home!

Anthony Morales:
Don't forget phone sex lines.

Daniel Christal:
Much porn, little price

Gary Litt:
Naresh, that is the problem

Jack Cooper:
Where do you find that stuff, let me know.

Daniel Anderson:
Samantha good point about the issue of control. No matter what Bill we pass, the Internet will find a way around it. But still passing the bill has larger cultural impacts.

Jessica Meyer:
sam: but that porn is where people can see it...its almost as if if they know where it is, then its ok. they have it under "control". The net is new...they dont have it under "control" yet.

Gary Litt:
Ahha, Jack is interested

David S. Morse:
I think that regulation of what's out there is a lot like banning free speech-
It's not cool. Porn is porn, regardless if you see it on a T.V. screen or on a
computer monitor.

Benjamin Irom:
Jack, how much does Hustler go for these days?

Daniel Christal:
want porn sites?

Gary Litt:
Ben, I often find myself asking the same question?

Daniel Christal:
too much

Jack Cooper:
I am afraid to say

Gary Litt:
Daniel, no but I bet you do

Daniel Christal:
just kidding

Anthony Morales:
It' s just the government afraid of something it can't control, especially something as powerful as the Internet

Daniel Anderson:
What about the free-market. Perhaps the argument against allowing porn on the internet is that you can get to it, relatively easily, without paying for it. the supply and demand arguments that ooponents to censorhip often rely on may not apply here.

Naresh Nayak:
Jarrod i think the govt is trying to help by putting a check on cyberporn not the other way around..i see more benefits in doing

Ferry Sutanto:
how many men in this class ?

Eric Greenberg:
I couldn't figure out how to E-mail, much less encounter pornography on the
Internet. It's much easier for people to find it on cable.

Jack Cooper:
This discussion is going down fast

Daniel Christal:
but some porn you can get on the internet that is illegal on any other medium in the child porn

Anthony Morales:
Um... hello?

Maria Caldwell:
How would we keep other countries from posting pornographic material if we decided it had no business on the Internet?

Jessica Meyer:
david: i agree completely. Anyway, the exon bill sounds unconstituational....the Supreme Court will get it ;>

Benjamin Irom:
How does the internet represent a totally "Free" market?

Garrett Maddox:
Anyone hear about actv getting busted for putting porn on tv recently?

Anthony Morales:
I think my screen is acting funny.

Daniel Anderson:
jarrod, I agree that parents should censore, but any argue that it's the kids who know more about the parents.

Anthony Morales:
no, it's just dead, maybe...

Tony Chang:
in these first two weeks, how many people have already gotten a hand on this course and what our goal is ?

Roy Lee Saenz:

David S. Morse:
This server sucks big *%#!

Stacey Hellewell:
As far as the difference between regulatory acts and censorship may walk a very thin line, but there is still a difference. We are not denying access by just regulating the flow of it. With censosrhip, the flow is cut off. There are places that have cut off all access to porno sites just to keep it out of the country.

Roy Lee Saenz:
or something like that

Jarrod Tuikka:
is it working yet?

Jarrod Tuikka:
i guess it is

Ferry Sutanto:
WHAT'S GOING ON ?...?????

Garrett Maddox:

Samantha Ricker:
Doesn't anyone watch Oprah!!!! Porn is being sold to preteens over the counter!! (no I do not watch Oprah on a regular basis, I was very bored)

Daniel Christal:

Garrett Maddox:

John Sumpter:

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