E 309M Computers and Writing

Project 1, Task 3

Once you've gotten to this assignment, you should have already written something that contextualizes your topic and a short paragraph explaining what you think is the most important aspect of the topic. You should also have written a short paragraph discussing the various viewpoints that circulate around your topic. In other words, you should have something to say.

You should also have created the basic pages for your project, by following the instructions for September 12th. Now you should add some of the thoughts about your topic to the appropriate pages of your project. Open the pages and type paste the material that you've written into the body of the document. You may need to add the appropriate formatting commands, such as paragraph breaks <p>, breaks <br> and horizontal rules. <hr> If you need it, I've provided some some basic information about HTML commands

After you've added the text to your pages, I'd like you to spend some time polishing the appearance of them. You'll want to add some basic graphics and perhaps a background pattern to boost the appearance of your pages. For starters, you can go to some icon resources. Download whatever images you might use into your folder. Click and hold the mouse button down on an image, and select Save this Image. Put it into your folder. Use the HTML Image command in BBedit to place the graphics into your pages. You may also want to try some background textures and other background patterns.

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