E 309M Computers and Writing

Project 3

Update. You can also perform an analysis of some aspect of the film. See task four for more information.

The third major undertaking for our course will be to evaluate the film, Bladerunner. You will be asked to write an evaluation paper about the film. The paper should do three major things: it should spend some energy trying to define what kind of film Bladerunner is. It should next try to define what criteria make up a successful film of it's kind. For example, if you consider the film to be an action movie, then some of the criteria for a good action movie might be that it provides lots of visual stimualtion for the viewer, that it has a suspensful plot and that there is a clear division between good and evil. These are just sample criteria; the ones you come up with will relate more specifically to Bladerunner, I'm sure. Finally, you'll need to anlayze ways in which the film fulfills or does not fulfill the criteria that you've come up with. Does the tone of the film overwhelm the visual stimulation? Does a particular image or scene clearly demonstrate the forces of good and evil? Is the plot clear or confusing?

It will be important that you refer to specifics from the film when discussing whether or not it meets the criteria. You can add images to your papers using most word processors and you should always treat the images as "verbal quotations" which need discussing and analyzing. You might also think about web versions of the paper. Part of the discussion of the success or failure of the film should depend on the way it handles issues of visual as well as sonic presentation, so a natural extension of your thinking about the way the film handles these issues would be to handle them yourself in a visual or sonic presentation. You can either do a web or a paper version of the project

The requirements are

For Students Enrolled at UT: Draft of Project 3 due 11/3

For Students Enrolled at UT: Project 1 due 11/9

The project should be four or more pages in length, or if done on the web, should contain the equivalent of three pages of original analysis.

To complete the project, you should go through

Task One

Task Two

Task Three

Task Four.

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