E 309M Computers and Writing

Project 1, Task 1

Begin working on the first projectby brainstorming about a topic. The project should relate to the cyberporn controversy. As with a traditional paper, you will want to have an "angle" as you approach the topic. You might try to make and argument about some aspect of the controversy. Arguing for or against censorship, for example? If you try to argue a particular claim, you should anticipate and respond to the objections that might be raised against your stance.

You could also do an exploratory project which looks at several different perspectives related to the issue. You might also explore the development of the controversy over time, mapping out the different reactions to the Time article which sparked much of the debate. You can analyze the topic in terms of media or communities. You might perform a rhetorical analysis of the Time article.

Whatever topic you choose, it is important for you to map out the threads that will be part of your project. You might brainstorm at our cyberporn message forum, before deciding upon a topic.

The final aim of this task is to choose your topic and note the specific elements that you will need to develop, before moving on the task two and thinking about the web.

Online_Highbeam Media Culture Writing
Message_Forums Student_Work Web_Reviews

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